External Email - Use Caution        

Hi, I have been trying to process my diffusion images, but I have a new
I wrote this dmrirc:

# T1 images and FreeSurfer segmentations are expected to be found here

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /autofs/cluster/neuromod/rivas/imagenes/DICOM

# Output directory where trac-all results will be saved
# Default: Same as SUBJECTS_DIR
set dtroot = /autofs/cluster/neuromod/rivas/imagenes/DICOM/esq-15-hc

# Subject IDs
set subjlist = (esq-15-hc)

# Default: Run analysis on all subjects
set runlist = (1)

# Input diffusion DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# If original DICOMs don't exist, these can be in other image format
# but then bvecfile and bvalfile must be specified (see below)
set dcmroot = /autofs/cluster/neuromod/rivas/imagenes/DICOM/esq-15-hc

set dcmlist = (dwi.nii.gz)

# Diffusion gradient table
# Must be specified if inputs are not MGH DICOMs
# Three-column format, one row for each volume in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header

set bvecfile =

# Diffusion b-value table
# Must be specified if inputs are not MGH DICOMs
# Single-column format, one value for each volume in the diffusion data set
# Default: Read from DICOM header
set bvalfile =

# Perform registration-based B0-inhomogeneity compensation?
# Default: 0 (no)
# set dob0 = 1

# Input B0 field map magnitude DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
# set b0mlist = (huey/fmag/XXX-1.dcm dewey/fmag/XXX-1.dcm

# Input B0 field map phase DICOMs (file names relative to dcmroot)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
# set b0plist = (huey/fphas/XXX-1.dcm dewey/fphas/XXX-1.dcm

# Echo spacing for field mapping sequence (from sequence printout)
# Only used if dob0 = 1
# Default: None
set echospacing = 0.7

# Perform registration-based eddy-current compensation?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doeddy = 1

# Rotate diffusion gradient vectors to match eddy-current compensation?
# Only used if doeddy = 1
# Default: 1 (yes)
set dorotbvecs = 1

# Fractional intensity threshold for BET mask extraction from low-b images
# This mask is used only if usemaskanat = 0
# Default: 0.3
set thrbet = 0.5

# Perform diffusion-to-T1 registration by flirt?
# Default: 0 (no)
set doregflt = 0

# Perform diffusion-to-T1 registration by bbregister?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doregbbr = 1

# Perform registration of T1 to MNI template?
# Default: 1 (yes)
set doregmni = 1

# MNI template
# Only used if doregmni = 1
# Default: $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz
set mnitemp = $FSLDIR/data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz

# Perform registration of T1 to CVS template?
# Default: 0 (no)
set doregcvs = 0

# CVS template subject ID
# Only used if doregcvs = 1
# Default: cvs_avg35
set cvstemp = donald

# Parent directory of the CVS template subject
# Only used if doregcvs = 1
# Default:
set cvstempdir = $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects

# Use brain mask extracted from T1 image instead of low-b diffusion image?
# Has no effect if there is no T1 data
# Default: 1 (yes)
set usemaskanat = 1

# Paths to reconstruct
# Default: All paths in the atlas
set pathlist = ( lh.cst_AS rh.cst_AS \
                 lh.unc_AS rh.unc_AS \
                 lh.ilf_AS rh.ilf_AS \
                 fmajor_PP fminor_PP \
                 lh.atr_PP rh.atr_PP \
                 lh.ccg_PP rh.ccg_PP \
                 lh.cab_PP rh.cab_PP \
                 lh.slfp_PP rh.slfp_PP \
                 lh.slft_PP rh.slft_PP )

# Number of path control points
# It can be a single number for all paths or a different number for each of
# paths specified in pathlist
# Default: 7 for the forceps major, 6 for the corticospinal tract,
#          4 for the angular bundle, and 5 for all other paths
set ncpts = (6 6 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 5)

# List of training subjects
# This text file lists the locations of training subject directories
# Default: $FREESURFER_HOME/trctrain/trainlist.txt
set trainfile = $FREESURFER_HOME/trctrain/trainlist.txt

# Number of "sticks" (anisotropic diffusion compartments) in the bedpostx
# ball-and-stick model
# Default: 2
set nstick = 2

# Number of MCMC burn-in iterations
# (Path samples drawn initially by MCMC algorithm and discarded)
# Default: 200
set nburnin = 200

# Number of MCMC iterations
# (Path samples drawn by MCMC algorithm and used to estimate path
# Default: 7500
set nsample = 7500

# Frequency with which MCMC path samples are retained for path distribution
# Default: 5 (keep every 5th sample)
set nkeep = 5

# Reinitialize path reconstruction?
# This is an option of last resort, to be used only if one of the
# pathway distributions looks like a single curve. This is a sign that the
# initial guess for the pathway was problematic, perhaps due to poor
# between the individual and the atlas. Setting the reinit parameter to 1
# rerunning "trac-all -prior" and "trac-all -path", only for the specific
# subjects and pathways that had this problem, will attempt to reconstruct
# with a different initial guess.
# Default: 0 (do not reinitialize)
set reinit = 0

And I gave this command: [shiraz:processing] (nmr-stable6-env) trac-all
-prep -c dmrirc-esq-15-hc

But there is an error:
INFO: Diffusion root is
Actual FREESURFER_HOME /autofs/cluster/freesurfer/centos7_x86_64/stable6
trac-preproc -c
#@# Image corrections Tue Oct  8 17:53:12 EDT 2019
mri_convert --bvec-voxel
mri_convert.bin --bvec-voxel
niiRead(): error opening file
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from
Linux shiraz.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 3.10.0-957.1.3.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Nov
29 14:49:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

trac-preproc exited with ERRORS at Tue Oct  8 17:53:12 EDT 2019

What may I do?
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