Hi Freesurfer experts

I have a few labels that correspond to activation clusters in fsaverage space 
for an individual subject. I used mri_label2label to transfer them to native 
space of the subject.

export SUBJECTS_DIR=/autofs/space/oprah_001/users/zn025/looming_7T/SUBJECTS_DIR
mri_label2label --srclabel  ./first_levels/$subj/label/aparc/pos/lh-0001.label  
--trglabel lh-new.label  --srcsubject fsaverage --trgsubject ${subj} 
--regmethod surface --hemi lh

When I overlay the native label on top of the fsaverage significance map 
(tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -ov sig.nii.gz), it looks like small dots all 
over the map.
Is this because I'm viewing the native label in fsaverage space?
Is there a way to view these labels in this subject's native space instead of 
fsaverage, something like tksurfer native(instead of fsaverage) lh inflated -ov 

Thank you very much in advance

Zahra (Mona) Nasiriavanaki

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

Massachusetts General Hospital

149 13th Street, 149-2615

Charlestown, MA, USA, 02129

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