External Email - Use Caution        

Dear experts,

In the context of the BIDS transforms extension and the ".x5" format we
chatted about in the workshop we made in March at MIT, we are addressing
the following question.

We have a sphere of fsLR coordinates in fsaverage space (e.g.,
- but the question extends to the right hemisphere and also resolutions
other than 59k).
We want to expand this sphere to the fsaverage's white surface (lh.white,
in this example). Since coordinates on the fsLR sphere don't match any of
fsaverage{,3,4,5,6}'s coordinates, we wonder whether FreeSurfer stores
somewhere/somehow the analytical transform of this mapping.
In other words, how one would map arbitrary coordinates on the surface to a
particular fsaverage's white (or midthickness, or pial, etc.) surface.

Otherwise, I guess I would pick fsaverage's surfaces (i.e., 7th degree
icosahedron), and interpolate the displacement vectors that start at each
sample on the surface and end at the corresponding location of that vertex
index of the destination surface (lh.white for the example above).

Is there any tool that actually does the _inverse transform of the
surface-to-sphere mapping_?

Thanks very much.


*Oscar Esteban, Ph.D.*
Postdoctoral Fellow, Poldrack Lab
Stanford University

+1 (650) 733 33 82
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