External Email - Use Caution        

Hello hj23,
If you are running the 6.0.0 freesurfer Mac release, then you can try 
downloading this patch.  You will need to double click on the archive to 
expand it and then follow the instructions in README.patch.  I think you 
will also need admin privileges though to make the changes described there.

- R.

On Nov 13, 2019, at 03:39, hj23 <h...@nyu.edu> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        Hello FreeSurfer 
Developers,I’m attempting to run FreeSurfer commands via Matlab 
[system(‘fscmd’)]. Some of the commands work but some don’t, though all the 
commands work well when run in Terminal.Commands work in both Terminal and 
Matlab:When I run “tksurfer” in Terminal or system(’tksurfer’) in Matlab, I 
will get the help information for ’tksurfer'.Commands do not work in Matlab, 
but work in Terminal:For example, when I run “mri_info" in terminal, I will get 
the help information for “mri_info”. However, when I run system(‘mri_info’) in 
Matlab, I got the following error (screeshot also 
 lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address  
Referenced from: 
/Applications/freesurfer_6.0/bin/../lib/gcc/lib/libgomp.1.dylib  Expected 
in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylibdyld: Symbol not found: 
___emutls_get_address  Referenced from: 
/Applications/freesurfer_6.0/bin/../lib/gcc/lib/libgomp.1.dylib  Expected 
in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylibmri_info: Abortedans =  
randomly tried some FreeSurfer commands and the commands do not work in Matlab 
(but work in Terminal) are:     ‘mri_info’      ‘mri_coreg’        
Commands work in both terminal and Matlab are:  ’tksurfer’      ‘mri_convert’   
‘mri_head’I did search for the error in FreeSurfer Archive and found the 
recommendation of disable System Integrity Protection. Before doing that, I 
wonder if there is any other solution to this.Also, I tried to run these 
commands in both FreeSurfer 5.3-HCP and FreeSurfer 6.0 (on the same computer), 
and interestingly, the commands via Matlab work well in FS 5.3 (except that 
‘mri_coreg’ cannot be found in FS 5.3) but the error will show in FS 
6.0. Additional information:1) FreeSurfer version: error show 
for freesurfer-Darwin-OSX-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c, but not 
for freesurfer-Darwin-snowleopard-i686-stable-pub-v5.3.0-HCP2) Platform: 
macOS Mojave (version 10.14.5) iMac Pro (2017)3) uname -a Darwin 
ADUAED07785WKMX.local 18.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 18.6.0: Thu Apr 25 23:16:27 
PDT 2019; root:xnu-4903.261.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64Please let me know if 
there is any other information will help.Thanks in advance,Haiyang<Screen 
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