External Email - Use Caution        


I have follow-up concerns. I also ran PALM as following to check my results:

palm -i y.mgh -s fsaverage/surf/lh.white
 fsaverage/surf/lh.white.avg.area.mgh -d X.csv -t C1.csv -m mask.mgh -o plm
-C 1.95996 -Cstat extent -twotail -n 5000

Interestingly, I get identical results (visually) between PALM (CFT = 0.05
i.e., 1.95996) and MCZ (CFT = 0.05 and CWT = 0.001). Outputs from both PALM
and MCZ overlap (looks like almost completely).

I have following few concerns (in addition to my previous questions from
previous email):
(1). Summary result file from MCZ gets automatically saved after running
mri_glmfit-sim. And, to save summary result file from PALM I ran
mri_binarize, mris_calc and mri_surfcluster commands (by looking at
previous discussions in FreeSurfer forum). However, summary file from MCZ
gives me two large clusters - with peaks within middle temporal and rostral
middle frontal, whereas summary file from PALM gives me two large clusters
of very similar size as of MCZ, but peaks within fusiform and lateral
orbitofrontal. It seems that both MCZ and PALM give two clusters based on
maxima using their other scheme - that's why although cluster sizes and
overall maps are similar but peaks differ - causing different names in
corresponding summary files despite the fact that I am using same
annotation file for both. Below I am attaching both the summary results
from PALM and MCZ. Could you help me in figuring out the way to generate
correct and reportable summary file? If both are correct in their own way,
I would really appreciate any explanation and preferable option here?

(2). If both of the above options are correct and as I get consistent
results from MCZ and PALM, then MCZ results clearly tell whether the
correlation is negative or positive (by looking at the cache*.summary and
cache*.cluster.mgh files. But I could not find a way from PALM results to
make sure the correlation is negative or positive. All the outputs e.g.,
*.fwep.mgz and *.tstat.mgz show positive maps always. Could you help in
finding the directionality of correlations from PALM option above?

(3). Again, as my results are consistent between MCZ and PALM, and for MCZ
I provide flag --2spaces (for Bonf. Correction of hemispheres) so I assume
that the above PALM command does not perform Bonf Correction, so I applied
Bonf Correction in mri_surfcluster command using the flag --bonferroni 2.
Could you please confirm is that's the correct way?

Thanks a lot for all your help.

Following is the summary file from PALM:



# SearchSpace_mm2 76467.1

# SearchSpace_vtx 149953

# Bonferroni 2

# Minimum Threshold 1e-12

# Maximum Threshold 0.05

# Threshold Sign    abs

# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1

# Area Threshold    0 mm^2

# Overall max 0.998 at vertex 66

# Overall min 0 at vertex 0

# NClusters          2

# FixMNI = 0


# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    NVtxs    WghtVtx

   1        0.042      11   2023.40    -35.1  -23.3  -22.8   3523
147.97  fusiform

   2        0.044       9   1923.92    -26.3   23.8   -6.0   3442
151.45  lateralorbitofrontal

Following is the summary file from MCZ:



# SearchSpace_mm2 76467.1

# SearchSpace_vtx 149953

# Bonferroni 2

# Minimum Threshold 1.3

# Maximum Threshold infinity

# Threshold Sign    abs

# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1

# CW PValue Threshold: 0.001

# Area Threshold    0 mm^2

# CSD thresh  1.300000

# CSD nreps    10000

# CSD simtype  null-z

# CSD contrast NA

# CSD confint  90.000000

# Overall max 1.1597 at vertex 125047

# Overall min -4.53083 at vertex 110270

# NClusters          2

# FixMNI = 0


# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow
  CWPHi   NVtxs    WghtVtx   Annot

   1       -3.405  136882   2024.82    -48.2   -1.6  -33.0  0.00020  0.00000
0.00040   3526    -6733.96  middletemporal

   2       -4.531  110270   1924.64    -17.2   57.8  -13.3  0.00020  0.00000
0.00040   3444    -6888.13  rostralmiddlefrontal

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 2:58 PM Martin Juneja <mj70...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Monte-Carlo simulations (for cortical thickness and volume -
> behavioral analysis) for clusterwise correction for multiple comparisons.
> My results are either significant at (i) CFT < 0.001 and CWT < 0.1 (i.e.,
> CWT = 0.07) (smoothing 12 mm) for cortical thickness-behavior analysis -
> with maxima at -4.3 (CFT)
> or (ii) CFT < 0.05 and CWT < 0.001 (i.e., CWT = 0.0002) (smoothing 10 mm)
> for cortical volume-behavior - with maxima at -4.53 (CFT)
> Both the clusters in (i) (lateral orbital frontal) and (ii) (rostral
> middle) are within the frontal cortex, but not overlapping !
> Also, although maxima is at (i) -4.3 and (ii) -4.53, still the clusters do
> not survive recommended thresholds suggested in
> https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29288131
> And the FPR in this paper at strong CWT (i..e, 0.001) and liberal CFT
> (i..e, 0.05) is not calculated.
> So I was wondering if there is any recommendation from the experts
> regarding these results, or none of these make sense because I never get
> CFT < 0.001 and CWT < 0.05 (at-least).
> Any help would be really appreciated.
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