Hi Kim
are you really sure that you want to use analyze format? I doesn't keep
track of the direction cosines properly so once you go to it it is hard to
know left from right. SPM should be fine with nifti. In any case
conversion should be something like:
mri_convert file.mgz file.nii
mri_convert file.mgz file.img
although again, I wouldn't recommend using analyze
On Sat, 4 Apr 2020, Kim, Gwang-Won wrote:
Dear expert,
I'd like to convert .mgz (or .nii) file to .hdr file (.hdr and .img) to use
.hdr in SPM
I tried to convert the file using "mri_convert". But, there were the error
messages below.
Please, let me know how to onvert .mgz (or .nii) file to .hdr file (.hdr and
1) convert .nii file to .hdr file (.hdr and .img)
[latifah:kim] (nmr-stable6-env) mri_convert -it nii -ot spm BB.nii RE
mri_convert.bin -it nii -ot spm BB.nii RE
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from BB.nii...
TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-1, 0, 0)
j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
k_ras = (0, 1, 0)
writing to RE...
ANALYZE FORMAT ERROR: ncols 163842 in volume exceeds 32768
2) convert .mgh file to .hdr file (.hdr and .img)
[latifah:kim] (nmr-stable6-env) mri_convert -it mgh -ot spm AA.mgh RE.hdr
mri_convert.bin -it mgh -ot spm AA.mgh RE.hdr
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 1.226 2016/02/26 16:15:24 mreuter Exp $
reading from AA.mgh...
TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
i_ras = (-1, 0, 0)
j_ras = (0, 0, -1)
k_ras = (0, 1, 0)
writing to RE.hdr...
ANALYZE FORMAT ERROR: ncols 163842 in volume exceeds 32768
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