External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Bruce,

The only pre-processing I have done is the motion correction, high pass 
filtering and distortion correction. So, as far as I know it is still in the 
volume and in the original functional space.

Best wishes,

Mason T Wells, MSc
PhD student
School of Optometry and Vision Sciences
& Cardiff University Brain Research
Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), School of Psychology
Cardiff University
CF24 4HQ
Email: wells...@cardiff.ac.uk
Tel: 02920 879628
Web: Cardiff University webpage 
Mason T Wells, MSc
Myfyriwr PhD
Yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau’r Golwg
& Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu’r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd (CUBRIC), Yr Ysgol 
Prifysgol Caerdydd
Heol Maindy
CF24 4HQ 
E-bost: wells...@caerdydd.ac.uk
Ffôn: 02920 879628

On 17/04/2020, 15:11, "freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu on behalf of 
Bruce Fischl" <freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu on behalf of 
fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

    Hi Mason
    is your filtered_func file already sampled onto the surface or is it a 
    On Fri, 17 Apr 2020, Mason Wells wrote:
    >         External Email - Use Caution        
    > Hi all,
    > I am trying to use an analysis package that works on surface based data
    > (SamSrf). I have ran Feat and have a filtered_func file which is of course
    > the motion corrected/unwarped version of my EPI. However, I need some 
    > on how to get these data onto the Freesurfer surface. I have found this
    > page, but I wanted to double check this is the most up-to-date pipeline. 
    > the page it suggests using the same DOF as used in Feat, I use BBR so this
    > seems a little redundant. Has anyone on these lists got any experience of
    > getting filtered_func onto the Freesurfer surface?
    > Thanks in advance,
    > Mason
    > Mason T Wells, MSc
    > PhD student
    > School of Optometry and Vision Sciences
    > & Cardiff University Brain Research
    > Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), School of Psychology
    > Cardiff University
    > Cardiff   
    > CF24 4HQ
    > UK
    > Email: wells...@cardiff.ac.uk
    > Tel: 02920 879628
    > Web: Cardiff University webpage
    > Mason T Wells, MSc
    > Myfyriwr PhD
    > Yr Ysgol Optometreg a Gwyddorau’r Golwg
    > & Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu’r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd (CUBRIC), Yr 
    > Seicoleg
    > Prifysgol Caerdydd
    > Heol Maindy
    > Caerdydd   
    > CF24 4HQ 
    > DU
    > E-bost: wells...@caerdydd.ac.uk
    > Ffôn: 02920 879628

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