External Email - Use Caution        

Hi FS developers,


I have used mri_glmfit-sim to do multiple comparison like below:

mri_glmfit-sim --glmdir lh.thickness.0.glmdir --cache 3 abs --cwp  0.05


and in the lh.thickness.0.glmdir/group.diff directory, I got some output
files, some of which were:




When I open the file cache.th30.abs.sig.cluster.summary, I see its content
like below:


# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow
CWPHi   NVtxs    WghtVtx   Annot

   1       -7.090   10738     37.13     -4.6   48.8  -22.0  0.00020  0.00000
0.00040     75     -296.47  medialorbitofrontal

   2        6.620   27279     32.15    -43.2   32.8    8.6  0.00060  0.00020
0.00100     35      148.52  parstriangularis

   3        7.006  144024     25.30    -26.8  -69.9   -4.5  0.00300  0.00200
0.00400     40      172.77  lingual

   4       -4.688    4845     23.24    -22.5   52.4  -12.6  0.00579  0.00440
0.00719     28      -99.88  rostralmiddlefrontal

   5        5.796  123246     17.35    -25.1   33.2   26.4  0.04019  0.03666
0.04371     30      109.79  rostralmiddlefrontal


My question is: what are the values of the Max column? I thing they are
-log10(p), and the file cache.th30.abs.sig.cluster.mgh should also have this
kind of values saved. But when I use freeview to view the lh.inflated
surface with overlay file cache.th30.abs.sig.cluster.mgh, and use the
"configure" button to configure the "Overlay" threshold, I cannot find the
Max value of overlay displayed on the inflated surface.


Could you please explain to me why I cannot see the Max values (shown in the
summary file) as the overlay on the lh.inflated surface?


BTW, in another experiment where I use mri_surfcluster to generate both
summary file and overlay file, this problem does NOT exist. 








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