External Email - Use Caution        

Hi. team!

Recently,  I submitted a paper dealing with volumes of hippocampus and
its subfields in epilepsy patients who have significantly reduced
 hippocampal volume (compared with normal controls) and, in that paper, I
used the normalization method using ICV, which was suggested by Jack CR in
1989: normalized volume = volume (observed) – b (ICV – mean ICV), where b
is the slope of regression for each ICV.

But, one of the reviewers pointed out that I should use the method based on
each patient's hippocampus rather than total intracranial volume. Since
I've seen that a lot of papers, which dealt about these kinds of issues
about hippocampus and subfields, used the same method with me, I am really
doubtful that it is more appropriate if I should use the method using
individual volume of hippocampus (rather than ICV) in order to normalize
its volumes of substructures in the comparison analysis with those of

# And, whether this is true or not, could you please recommend to me
several literatures that can show which method of normalizing volumes of
the hippocampus and its subfields is more appropriate for this kind of

# Really sorry for bothering you. Thank you always for your kind and
delicate solutions ! : )

Hae Won ROH, M.D.

H.P: +82-10-4341-8142
E-mail: rofree...@gmail.com
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