On 8/19/2020 2:42 AM, Nathalie Mertens wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


I am not sure if the questions below were sent correctly to you, since I did not receive any copy of it.

Please find my message below.

Many thanks, looking forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Nathalie Mertens

sorry, did not see the original posting

*Van: *Nathalie Mertens <nathalie.mert...@kuleuven.be>
*Datum: *dinsdag 18 augustus 2020 om 09:33
*Aan: *"freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
*Onderwerp: *RBV PVC


I do have some questions linked to RBV PVC implemented in Freesurfer:

 1. Could you please tell me how the RBV PVC is acquired? Is the RBV
    PVC acquired based on Muller-Gartner (on a region-level, and based
    on only using gray- versus white matter), or when and how are the
    different regions from gtm_seg applied to obtain GTM?

See the RBV paper. Thomas, B.A., Erlandsson, K., Modat, M., Thurfjell, L., Vandenberghe, R., Ourselin, S., Hutton, B.F., 2011. The importance of appropriate partial volume correction for PET quantification in Alzheimer's disease. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 38, 1104\u20131119.


 2. What would be the advantage of using your technique compared to
    for instance sGTM?

sGTM is ROI-only, RBV is voxelwise.


 2. Could you please tell me the difference in region-definition
    between aparc+aseg and the gtm_seg? (I saw that the latter
    contains less regions compared to aparc+aseg.) What is the reason
    to use the latter compared to the aparc+aseg, based on the
    definitions of the regions? (I know that gtm_seg is used which has
    a high resolution, but not quite sure, apart from the resolution,
    why you are not using aparc+aseg for the RBV PVC.)

gtmseg.mgz is higher resolution (using the subvoxel surfaces). It also has pons and vermis defined. It has a few regions merged with others.  It also has extracerebral structures.


 2. Is there a mask applied to the gtm_seg to exclude regions that are
    located outside the brain?

No, it is a full head model.


Many thanks for your answers.

Kind regards,


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