On 10/13/2020 5:42 AM, Maron M. wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer Team,
> I need to move an atlas file, Shen268 in 2mm 
> (https://www.nitrc.org/frs/download.php/7977/shen_2mm_268_parcellation.nii.gz)
>  from volumetric into surface space in order to do some analysis in MATLAB 
> with it. Specifically, I need the atlas file as .annot and a .sphere (I think 
> this would be from the anatomical template).
> So far, I have not succeeded.
> I believe it is some combination of recon-all, mri_vol2surf and 
> mris_seg2annot, however the details are unclear.
> I think the initial problem is with the recon all. In this question 
> (https://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg63687.html) 
> it says I should recon-all the "anatomical template". Could you elaborate 
> which template that is? Its not the atlas file itself, but just some T1 in 
> the same space?
> And that will give me the file necessary for the --reg command in 
> mri_vol2surf, I guess?
> Sofar, I think this is what I have to do:
> 1)
> Recon-all -all -i "anatomical_template" (I am stuck here already, since I 
> don't know what to recon-all here...)
Yes, the template is an anatomical T1-weighted image in the same space 
as your atlas. Usually, this would be a volume that you would register 
your individual subjects to to get them into the atlas space (eg, the 
MNI152 volume). Run recon-all on that.

> 2)
> mri_vol2surf --src atlas_file.nii --out outputfile_rh.mgz --hemi rh 
> --projfrac 0.5 (--trgsubject fsaverage or —reg register.dat from recon-all?)
Use --regheader subject
where subject is the name of the subject you gave during recon-all. If 
you need to have the output in fsaverage space, you can add --trgsubject 
> 3)
> mris_seg2annot --seg outputfile_rh.mgz --s fsaverage --h rh --ctab-auto --o 
> atlas_rh.annot
This should work (but use subject instead of fsaverage if subject used 
in mri_vol2surf). Also, you'll probably want to call the output 
> I would be very thankful for any suggestions and support.
> Best and thanks a lot!
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