External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Doug

I'm analyzing the gyrification values between schizophrenia and healthy
volunteers. While performing group analysis in QDEC, I encountered an error
when setting the smoothing (fwhm) parameter to 25.
Here is the error message from the terminal output

> fwhm.dat: 66.612034, rounded to 67
> ERROR: fwhm out-of-range (< 1 or > 30)!
> Error in Monte Carlo simulation: Error running mri_surfcluster!

The same error persists for all smoothing values i.e. 5,10,15,20,25.
QDEC works when I set fwhm to zero units. Why it is like this? And what is
the ideal value of smoothing kernel (fwhm) for gyrification analysis?

With thanks
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