External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Freesurfer,

Once I had run reconall, I tried to calculating left hemisphere total grey 
matter volume and right hemisphere total grey matter volume by doing the sum of:
TGM_left=lhcortexvol + Left-Cerebellum-Cortex + (Left-Thalamus-Proper + 
Left-Caudate + Left-Putamen + Left-Pallidum + Left-Hippocampus +Left-Amygdala 
+Left-Accumbens-area +Left-VentralDC)
using the volumes values of the aseg.stats file. I did it like this because of 
the definitions of TGM in this webpage: 
However I did a saninty check and compared the  TGM_estimated=TGM_left + 
TGM_right. with the measurement in the aseg file: Measure TotalGray, 
TotalGrayVol, Total gray matter volume. They are similar but not the same.
Which makes me wonder if this is not the proper ay of calculating it. Therefore:
which is the best way of calculating left hemisphere total grey matter volume 
and right hemisphere total grey matter volume in a separated manner?

Thanks in advance,
Vicente Ferrer
Predoctoral Researcher BCBL

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