External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer experts,
I am using Human Connectone Project pipelines to calculate cortical myelin
levels. These pipelines use Freesurfer 6.
Since certain subjects' brain surfaces had some chunks and spikes sticking
out, I edited the brainmask.mgz file for those subjects as described in
this tutorial.

To get the myelin maps again, I got the instruction from the HCP mailing
list that I should call again the FreeSurferPipeline script, but add the
--existing-subject and --extra-reconall-arg flags.
If I understood correctly, after --extra-reconall-arg flag, there should be
an equal sign, and then keywords that specify which recon-all stages I want
to run.

Could you please tell me what those stages are, i.e. what keywords I should
use after the equal sign? I want to keep the brainmask.mgz file that I
edited, and then repeat all the steps that happen after braimask.mgz is
generated. I was referred to the FS tutorials/wiki at the HCP mailing list,
but I would like to double-check with someone here. Based on the tutorial
link above, it seems this should be "-autorecon-pial -subjid
pial_edits_before", but I'm not sure if this would be applicable in this

Thanks in advance and I hope my question wasn't too confusing.
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