External Email - Use Caution        

*Postdoc or PhD Student for Deep Learning based Lesion Recognition in human

available from July 1st, 2021, or later. The position will be embedded in a
three-year project within the Human Centered AI Network (HUMAINE) at
Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB), Germany. The highly interdisciplinary project
deals with the identification and characterization of epilepsy-causing
lesions in MRI images of the brain and their discrimination from
non-epileptogenic lesions. The project is conducted at the epilepsy center
of the university medical center Knappschaftskrankenhaus
(Ruhr-Epileptology, Jörg Wellmer) in close collaboration with the
Bioinformatics group at the Center for Protein Diagnostics RUB (Axel Mosig).

The applicant should hold a degree in computer science, physics, or
comparable studies and have experience along with profound theoretical and
practical knowledge of deep learning in the context of three-dimensional
medical imaging, in particular using state-of-the-art frameworks such as
tensorflow of pyTorch.

We offer an inspiring working environment in well-established
interdisciplinary structures, providing state-of-the-art IT infrastructure
in a highly dynamic interdisciplinary setting with project partners
covering the whole range between medicine, machine learning, sociology, and
business. The salary is that of a full-position scientist according to
German payment standards.

For further information and application, feel free to contact Jörg Wellmer (
joerg.well...@kk-bochum.de) and Axel Mosig (axel.mo...@rub.de).
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