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I am trying to use fsfast to perform 1st level GLM analysis on preprocessed
data from the HCP-Aging dataset which happens to be in a different space
than fsaverage. I followed the following steps:

First I smoothed the data which was in dtseries format
wb_command -cifti-smoothing *dtseries.nii 1.27 1.27 COLUMN
f.sm3.dtseries.nii -left-surface *L.midthickness_MSMAll.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii
-right-surface *R.midthickness_MSMAll.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii

Then extracted the left/right surface and volume
wb_command -cifti-separate f.sm3.dtseries.nii COLUMN -metric CORTEX_LEFT
 f.L.func.gii -metric CORTEX_RIGHT f.R.func.gii -volume-all f.mni152.nii

Followed by creating a mask for the subcortical analysis
mri_binarize --i Atlas_ROIs.2.nii.gz --match  8    10    11    12    13
 16    17    18    26    28    47    49    50    51    52    53  54    58
 60 --o subcortmask.nii.gz;

and creating a global mean .dat file.
wb_command -cifti-stats f.sm3.dtseries.nii -reduce MEAN >

Then I tried to run GLM analysis using FSFast. The subcortical
analysis completes without errors, but I am having trouble with the

Surprisingly, the error seems to be at the Smoothing ACF step because it is
trying to perform it on volume even though I have specified that
the analysis should be in surface space. Attached are the selx3 log file
and analysis info file. Is there something with the analysis specification
or in earlier conversion steps? I would appreciate any help with this.
Thank you


Attachment: selxavg3.log
Description: Binary data

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