External Email - Use Caution        

 Dear Eugenio,

Thank you.

I've uploaded via FTP a zip file (g1120_5.zip) containing a recon-all
folder of a subject, including thalamic nuclei segmentation.



Il giorno lun 30 ago 2021 alle ore 10:17 Marco Aiello <
marcoaiello1...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Dear Freesurfer experts,
> I'm running (FS 7.1.1) segmentThalamicNuclei.sh on T1 scan from recon-all.
> On a sample of about 100 subjects I've found an average volume of 250 mm^3
> and 290 mm^3 for LGN-left and LGN-right, respectively.  Consistent with
> literature, I would expect an LGN volume around the order of 100 mm^3.  Do
> you have any suggestions to address this issue?
> Best,
> Marco
> An example of left thalamic nuclei stats on a subject:
> # Left Thalamic nuclei volume statistics as created by
> segmentThalamicNuclei.sh
> 1 1  0 179.160119 AV
> 2 2  0 89.639229 CeM
> 3 3  0 40.504433 CL
> 4 4  0 298.704524 CM
> 5 5  0 29.204221 LD
> 6 6  0 323.610060 LGN
> 7 7  0 172.804240 LP
> 8 8  0 16.699212 L-Sg
> 9 9  0 370.292762 MDl
> 10 10  0 1028.359432 MDm
> 11 11  0 99.816768 MGN
> 12 12  0 16.307111 MV(Re)
> 13 13  0 4.583480 Pc
> 14 14  0 46.055844 Pf
> 15 15  0 8.414055 Pt
> 16 16  0 274.769665 PuA
> 17 17  0 276.059756 PuI
> 18 18  0 197.470981 PuL
> 19 19  0 1329.257389 PuM
> 20 20  0 540.769724 VA
> 21 21  0 48.461021 VAmc
> 22 22  0 879.500725 VLa
> 23 23  0 1143.223136 VLp
> 24 24  0 33.606403 VM
> 25 25  0 1224.126516 VPL
> 26 26  0 8671.400807 Whole_thalamus

Marco Aiello, PhD
*IRCCS SDN | Synlab*
Via Gianturco 113 / Via Brin 55, Naples, IT
phone (0039) 0812408299
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