External Email - Use Caution        

The Connectomics of Anxiety and Depression (CAD) Lab at the University of
Delaware is hiring a full time postbac research assistant. The individual
will contribute to an ongoing NIMH-funded R01 grant examining longitudinal
change in brain networks that contribute to anxiety development during
early adolescence, with a focus on pubertal hormones. For more information
about lab research, see 
 The position is
temporary and may be renewed on a 12-month basis, dependent upon available
funding and performance. The position is ideal for motivated individuals
interested in applying to graduate school in psychology or neuroscience in
the future, as it will offer the opportunity for mentored research projects
and developing manuscripts for publication. Ultimately, a 2-year commitment
is strongly preferred. Responsibilities include running participants
through clinical assessments and MRI sessions, processing and scoring data,
monitoring the quality of data, and organizing data collection efforts,
among other research-related activities.

To apply for this position, please see

Jeffrey M. Spielberg, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Clinical Science
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

Office:  307 McKinly Laboratory
Lab:  Suite 405 Wolf Hall
Phone:  302.831.7078
Email:  j...@udel.edu
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