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I hope this email finds you all well.

I have a basic question about the right way of using ThalamicSegmentation 
method ( implemented by Iglesias et al. 2018). I plan to use this 
subject-specific atlas on the data processed via the HCP pipeline.

In this regard, after doing the PreFreeSurfer and Freesurfer bash files 
introduced by the HCP team, I use the subject-specific folder created by 
FreeSurfer and run the SegmentThalamicNuclei on the data of the subject.

The point is that, HCP pipeline ultimately converts all timeseries into CIFTI 
format ( subcortical areas in 2mm template), hence the mgz file created by the 
SegmentThalamicNuclei bash file, should be converted into the CIFTI to be 
useful when defining ROIs. So, I am using the following commands to get the 
subject-specific thalamic labels in the CIFTI space.

Could anyone having more experience confirm if it is a reasonable way or help 
if there exists a more accurate option?

Asa Farahani

mri_convert -rt nearest -rl /029/T1w/T1w_acpc_dc_restore.nii.gz   
/029/mri/ThalamicNuclei.v13.T1.mgz ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.nii.gz

applywarp --rel --interp=nn -i ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.nii.gz -r  
/029/MNINonLinear/T1w_restore.nii.gz -w  
/029/MNINonLinear/xfms/acpc_dc2standard -o 

applywarp --interp=nn -i ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.native.nii.gz -r  
/029/MNINonLinear/ROIs/Atlas_ROIs.2.nii.gz -o 

wb_command -volume-label-import ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.Atlas_2mm.nii.gz 
FreeSurferColorLUT.txt ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.Atlas_2mm.nii 
wb_command -cifti-create-dense-from-template  template..dlable.nii 
T029.dlabel.nii -volume-all ThalamicNuclei029.v13.T1.Atlas_2mm.nii.gz

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