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Our lab has been using Freesurfer 5.3 for it's ongoing longitudinal study. I 
attempted to quality check one of our brains using tkmedit - I usually don't 
have any issues following our pipeline or running the tool. This time I 
received this message:

ERROR: A segfault has occurred. This is not your fault,
  : but is most likely an unrecoverable error and has
  : made the program unstable.
  : Please send the contents of the file .xdebug_tkmedit
  : that should be in this directory to freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
  : Now exiting...

I'm not sure where the xdebug file is located - it isn't anywhere in our 
Freesurfer directory in the server. Where can I find this file, and how can I 
fix this error? I've tried trouble shooting with some solutions I've seen in 
the archive. We have checked permissions, I use a PC - not a mac, and I have 
checked the main freesurfer directories as well as the directories associated 
with the brain I want to check. I have also tried to open other brains in the 
viewer resulting in the same error message. Is there a fix for this - ideally, 
one that doesn't require switching Freesurfer versions?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Vincent Edwards
Freesurfer mailing list
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