External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer Experts,
I am using .annot files to extract parcellated vertex-wise morphometric features from surf files (e.g., area value from ?h.area file). For each vertex, I want to determine the parcel it belongs to and its associated morphometric features. During this process, I exclude vertices labeled as ‘unknown’ or ‘medial wall’. In addition to the aparc parcellation, I am also using other parcellations computed on fsaverage. Therefore, I need to resample these parcellations onto native surfaces. To do this, I am using commands such as the one below: mri_surf2surf --srcsubject fsaverage \ --sval-annot ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/fsaverage/label/lh.test\ --trgsubject sub-test \ --trgsurfval ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/sub-test/label/lh.test \ --hemi lh As a sanity check, I used the above command to resample the aparc parcellation onto native surfaces (which is already done by recon-all). However, when I use the .annot files generated by the above command to extract morphometric features from surf files, I get a different number of vertices than when I use the .annot files generated by recon-all. Is this behavior expected? Am I doing something wrong? Thank you for your time and attention. Best, Leo
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