External Email - Use Caution        

 If you have not already done so, I would try installing and running a 
version of the Matlab runtime environment (which is not a full blown Matlab 
installation) that freesurfer was tested with.  For the 7.4.1 freesurfer 
release, that should be R2019b.  (Prior to that, it was R2014b - which you 
could try as well - but that would likely contain an even older version of 
Assuming that you can write to your own installed version of freesurfer, then 
once you have set FREESURFER_HOME, you can try running the fs_install_mcr 
script included with the freesurfer distribution.  See bash shell commands 
- R.

$ export FREESURFER_HOME=<your install path>
$ sudo FREESURFER_HOME=$FREESURFER_HOME  ./fs_install_mcr  R2019b
… answer y to any installer questions ...
Then I think it should work to find the Matlab libraries by at least start off 
with setting,
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$FREESURFER_HOME/MCRv97/bin/glnxa64
Please make sure you have otherwise removed any references to your previous 
matlab 2020a environment from PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. 
- R.

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