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Hello All,

I used the default freesurfer command (recon-all) to generate the annotated
surface file for subjects. However, the results in some subjects seem to
have an obvious parcellation error. As you can see in the below graph, the
area pointed by the red arrow is labelled as S_precentral-inf-part;
however, we think it should be S_central. (In this particular subject, the
parcellation is totally fine on the left hemisphere. The problem is only on
the right hemisphere as you can see below)

We adopted a solution from this answer:

We specified three manual labels:  S_central, S_temperal_sup, and
S_pericallosal, to align with atlas labels and generate a new registered
surface file. Adding -nonorm option made the result even better.




Command #1:

mris_register -L S_central.label <atlas_gcsa_file> S_central

-L S_temperal_sup.label <atlas_gcsa_file> S_temperal_sup

-L S_pericallosal.label <atlas_gcsa_file> S_pericallosal

-curv -nonorm sub-xxxxxx/surf/rh.sphere

<atlas_gcsa_file> here is rh.destrieux.simple.2009-07-29.gcs

Command #2:

mris_ca_label sub-xxxxxx rh rh.sphere.reg.new <atlas_gcsa_file>

The parcellation looks a lot better now but it is still not perfect (for
example, look at the area pointed by the red arrow)

Now, my questions are:


   Does our solution make sense?

   Are there any other better methods to correct the parcellation error?

Thank you!

Best wishes,

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