External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Elizabeth,

the qatools / fsqc tools have evolved quite a bit since their inclusion in FS 

Would it be possible for you to try their newest version, available from 



On Thu, 2023-10-12 at 00:23 +0000, Elizabeth Haris wrote:

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        External Email - Use Caution
Hi there,

I am running into a problem when using qatools.py to qa my recon-all. Some of 
my participants process ok, but with others I get the error below. Any advice 
on what to do to address this?

Many thanks,


Computing white and gray matter SNR for orig.mgz ...

Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "/Applications/freesurfer_v7.1.0/python/scripts/qatools.py", line 17, in 

   qatoolspython.run_qatools(subjects_dir, output_dir, subjects, shape, 
screenshots, fornix, outlier, outlier_table)

 line 883, in run_qatools

   _do_qatools(subjects_dir, output_dir, subjects, shape, screenshots, fornix, 
outlier, outlier_table)

 line 663, in _do_qatools

   wm_snr_orig, gm_snr_orig = checkSNR(subjects_dir, subject, 
SNR_AMOUT_EROSION, ref_image="orig.mgz")

line 83, in checkSNR

   b_wm_data[x,y,z] = 1

IndexError: index 256 is out of bounds for axis 2 with size 256

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