External Email - Use Caution        

Hi FreeSurfer developers,

I want to transform a label file in Gifti-format from the fsaverage space
into the native space of a subject (CON01a).
The FreeSurfer reconstruction pipeline was completely executed before for
this subject.
The label file lh.JulichBrainAtlas_3.0.3.label.gii is in freeview correctly
visualized on the surface of fsaverage.

But when I call mri_label2label as below, it seems that the Gifti-format is
not recognized:

mri_label2label  --srcsubject fsaverage   --srclabel
           --trgsubject CON01a     --trglabel
           --hemi lh  --trgsurf white       --regmethod surface


srclabel = ../atlas/lh.JulichBrainAtlas_3.0.3.label.gii
srcsubject = fsaverage
trgsubject = CON01a
trglabel = CON01a/label/lh.JulichBrainAtlas_3.0.3.label.gii
regmethod = surface

srchemi = lh
trghemi = lh
trgsurface = white
srcsurfreg = sphere.reg
trgsurfreg = sphere.reg
usehash = 1
Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0
Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
DoPaint 0

Loading source label.

error: mri_label2label: could not scan # of lines from label file

The Gifti-file contains a LabelTable (including a RGB-color  for each
label), and a DataArray of Labels (for each vertex), but not the vertex

Please, could you tell me how I can transform this file into the native
space of each subject?
I have attached the compressed label file to this mail.

Best regards,

Attachment: lh.JulichBrainAtlas_3.0.3.label.gii.gz
Description: application/gzip

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