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Dear freesurfer team,

I want to overlay the activation map that I got from SPM on the inflated
surface. The command I use is:

"mri_vol2surf    --mov     spmT_funcmap.nii     --ref
 subj01/mri/orig.mgz.   --reg    tk.dat    --hemi rh   --o    flodername"

in which, I got the registration file (tk.dat) by aligning my
functional mean image to the orig.mgz in tkregisterfv.

now the problem is when I overlay the activation map on the inflated
surface, I can only see the voxels with positive t-values. I can't see the
negative ones. I cannot change the threshold values provided by "configure
overlay" to negative values. Also, changing the "z-score" option next to
the overlay configuration doesn't make any difference. can you help me with
this, please?

Thanks a lot,

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