Hi Dan,

a) yes
b) yes

Best, Martin

On 22. Apr 2024, at 17:09, Dan Levitas <djlevitas...@gmail.com> wrote:


I've been following the FreeSurfer longitudinal LME analysis tutorial 
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 which has been excellent; however I have a few lingering questions pertaining 
to my specific analysis. For reference, I am interested in assessing rates of 
longitudinal atrophy in each of my two groups (0=controls, 1=clinical). 
Regarding what I've currently done:

1). My Qdec file contains 4 columns: fsid, fsid_base, time(years), group

2). I followed the steps to create the appropriate M matrix, and since my 
preliminary analysis is simply to create a group x time linear model, my design 
matrix is X = [ones(length(M),1) M M(:,1).*M(:,2)]; and my contrast is CM = [0 
0 0 1]

3). I've followed the pipeline for the lme_mass_fit_EMinit, lme_mass_RgGrow, 
and lme_mass_fit_Rgw functions.

4). I'm skipping the model comparison steps, as I prefer my model with the two 
random effects (intercept, time).

5). Get stats (F_lhstats = lme_mass_F(lhstats, CM), applied multiple comparison 
correction ([detvtx,sided_pval,pth] = 
lme_mass_FDR2(F_lhstats.pval,F_lhstats.sgn,lhcortex,0.05,0); and saved the 
sided p-values.

My questions are:

a). Since I'm interested in both hemispheres and the tutorial only assesses the 
left, do I need to do step #3 with the right hemisphere data?

b). Would I need to do the last step in the tutorial to get a single threshold 
for both hemispheres and then perform the analysis this way?

P = [ F_lhstats.pval(lhcortex) F_rhstats.pval(rhcortex) ];
G = [ F_lhstats.sgn(lhcortex) F_rhstats.sgn(rhcortex) ];
[detvtx,sided_pval,pth] = lme_mass_FDR2(P,G,[],0.05,0);

pcor = -log10(pth)

Thank you for the clarification.


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