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I am using freesurfer version 7.4.1, and would like to incorporate the
recently introduced synthstrip and synthseg functions into my recon-all
command, if that's possible. From this archive message (
it seems that adding the -synthstrip option enables synthstrip; however, I
don't see this as an option in the recon-all documentation (
https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/recon-all) nor as a command line
option for recon-all.

Assuming that both synthstrip and synthseg can be used in recon-all, would
the command need to look something like this:
*recon-all -subjid sub-${sub}_ses-${ses} -i $anat_file -3T -synthstrip
--no-csf -synthseg -qcache -all*

I'm adding the *--no-csf* synthstrip option based on this comment (

I should also note that I'm performing a longitudinal analysis, so this
specific recon-all pertains to the cross-sectional portion of the workflow.


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