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Duncan Webb wrote:
> Andrew Flegg wrote:
>> On 6/29/07, Duncan Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> This is you recordserver log and it seems fine as you say. Isn't you
>>> problem with playing the recording?
>> Sorry, I've not communicated this clearly. There're two issues:
>>    1) mplayer isn't getting started properly by childapp.py, so my
>>       recordings weren't happening. No tracker item for this, was raising
>>       it here first. Fixed by rolling back childapp.py to r9560.
> Well I did replace the deprecated popen calls by subprocess but I don't
> think that this is a problem with childapp more likely it is to do with
> generic_record and the VCR_CMD. There are two methods to pass command to
> childapp either as a string or as a list. The list is the preferred
> method as it starts the process directly whereas a string uses the shell
> to start the process.
> The problem that could occur with subprocess is the stopping logic, it
> is possible that something is done out of sequence. I'll have to double
> check this.
> What I can try is to set up generic_record to use generic record with a
> saa7134 based card, but this will take a bit of time. Completely
> forgotten what needs to be set up for mencoder to work, :-).
> In the meantime can you tell me if the childapp is using a string or a
> list to start mplayer.

I've set-up generic record for a saa7134 based card and the recordserver
seems to be working fine, after a bit of tweaking of local_conf.py.

For a saa7134 I need mencoder to work with generic_record and get the
following in the recordserver log.

2007-07-01 11:28:51,691 DEBUG    childapp.py (134) : Running (str)
"/usr/bin/mencoder tv:// -tv
- -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200:keyint=30 -oac mp3lame
- -lameopts br=128:cbr:mode=3 -ffourcc divx -endpos 2039 -o
/freevo/record/20070701_1100_Sternstunde_Philosophie.avi" with pid 9322
priority 0
2007-07-01 11:28:51,693 DEBUG    childapp.py (406) : logging stdout
child to "/var/log/freevo/mencoder-stdout.log"
2007-07-01 11:28:51,695 DEBUG    childapp.py (406) : logging stderr
child to "/var/log/freevo/mencoder-stderr.log"
2007-07-01 11:28:51,696 DEBUG    generic_record.py (158) : app child
pid: 9322

The recording is okay and recorded from start to finish, the end of the
recording showed this, with a 3 minute post record padding it looks good.

2007-07-01 12:02:58,936 DEBUG    childapp.py (423) : stdout: no data,
closing log
2007-07-01 12:02:58,938 DEBUG    childapp.py (423) : stderr: no data,
closing log
2007-07-01 12:02:58,954 DEBUG    generic_record.py (173) :
Record_Thread::run: finished recording
2007-07-01 12:02:59,285 INFO     recordserver.py (1621): RECORD_STOP Sun
2007-07-01 11:00->12:00 (11:00)  CNI04C1 Sternstunde Philosophie
2007-07-01 12:02:59,455 DEBUG    generic_record.py (148) :
Record_Thread::run: mode=idle

Not sure what to suggest now.

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