Cool, Hasan.  I want it when you're done.

Now for the random thought.  Just for a hoot, does anyone else think it
might be a good idea to move into or something like
that?  I'm thinking this would allow skin developers a chance to add
sound themes to their skins without screwing up the users configs.  I
mean, it would have to be conditional as to where it pulls it's sound
definitions but that's easily do-able.

Of course, this also opens the door to making only sound themes for
Freevo...  Skins without sounds, Sounds with no skin, skins with
sounds...  I can see this going places.

Any thoughts???

--- Hasan Khalil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In light of all this discussion of the 'panoramic' skin and whatnot, 
> I figured I'd put in my two cents about what I've been doing.
> I started using freevo several months ago and was unsatisfied with  
> the bundled skins. I primarily use freevo for watching movies, so I  
> concentrated my efforts entirely on video browsing capabilities. My  
> skin is based on the info skin and customizes very little other than 
> layout. I feel it does a good job of using the real estate that my  
> 1080p TV offers me.
> I still work on the skin once in a while in my free time (what free  
> time?), and will post the code when it's a little bit more polished.
> I'm posting a link to a screenshot[1] to this list in order to get  
> some feedback. The screenshot will be hosted on my site for a month  
> or so, but will eventually disappear. I made this skin entirely with 
> my preferences in mind and did not intend it for the pleasure of a  
> wide general audience. Bearing this in mind, I'm welcome to
> suggestions.
> Screenshot description: At the top of the video browser screen we  
> have the title of the folder that I'm in. In this example we use a  
> folder named '720p'. A list of movies occupies the left side of the  
> screen, showing covers. The enlarged cover is the selected item,  
> which shows detailed in the info box on the right[2]. The directory  
> structure is done using populated .fxd files with IMDB information  
> (I've written a script that pulls this information from my VideoDB,  
> but that's a story for a different post). The idlebar appearance is  
> default, the font face is taken straight from the info skin, and the 
> background is from InterfaceLift[3].
> I'd love to read your questions, comments and suggestions.
>       -Hasan
> [1]
> [2] The resolution is followed in parenthesis by an aspect ratio,  
> which I'll look into rounding off to the second decimal place -- I  
> just haven't looked at the underlying python code for that yet. If  
> anyone has already taken a look at something like this, please do  
> forward any findings along to the list!
> [3]
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