"Andrew Flegg" wrote:
> On 8/19/07, Michael Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> No, that isn't what I ran into.  Here's my freevo.conf:
> [snip]
>> geometry = 1440x900
> [snip]
>> Note the "geometry" line.  The Panorama skin, built for anamorphic
>> display, _should_ have displayed itself properly but it didn't.
> *No*, it shouldn't. As I said before, Panorama is an example of an
> anamorphic skin, designed for pixels which are non-square. When viewed
> with square pixels everything will be squished horizontally.

Freevo 2.0 _will_ have a better gui for that. The 1.7 gui was designed
without non-square pixel and stuff like that. The new gui will have

> Ideally, however, the resolution-independent skins would be defined in
> a true resolution-independent way, i.e. SVG or similar, rather than
> bitmaps.

Also planned for 2.0

> How much of this is Freevo 2 going to provide, and is it worth the
> development effort on Freevo 1?

Changing the gui code for 1.7 could be a waste of time because it is
very complex. I learned from misstakes and when Jason writes kaa.candy
(our new gui subsystem) I will make sure Freevo uses it correctly:

1. 16:9 skins for square-pixel (HD-TFT)
2. 16:9 skin for current TV (720x576)
3. 4:3 support for non-sqare-pixel (again, 720x576 which is close to
   4:3 but not 4:3)


WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my
cats have learned how to type.

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