Makes perfect sense.  And I agree with the 16:9 skins.  Which I'm
working on. :D

--- Gorka Olaizola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 26, 2007 at 06:28:41AM -0700, Michael Beal wrote:
> > Gorka, could you please post your freevo.conf?  This is where the
> > difference exists.  If you use the default Freevo settings of
> 800x600,
> > you _should_ hve noticeable image stretching.
> > 
> I have made some tests and you are correct. In the case of Bluestar,
> that is the skin I use, at least the "screen watermark" images are
> squashed but the resulting images are not ugly and I didn't notice.
> My test resolutions are:
> 800x600  - 4:3
> 1280x720 - 16:9
> both with pixel ratio 1:1
> I have found at least two problems in the Bluestar skin and in the
> handling of skins that are not directly 16:9 related.
> The first one is very subtle but leads to incorrect aspect of the
> image:
>     - the width and height of the "screen watermark" image does not
> respect
>       the aspect ratio of the image.
>     The skin section is this (See image 01):
>     <layout label="screen watermark">
>       <background>
>         <image image="background" x="0" y="0" label="background"/>
>         <image x="435" y="230" width="370" height="380"
> label="watermark"/>
>       </background>
>     </layout>
> The original width of bluestar_movies.png, the image I tested, is 205
> x 226
>  and the image is scaled to 370 x 380 in the skin.
>     x   | y
>     ----------------------------------
>     370 / 205 = 1.80487804878048780487
>     380 / 226 = 1.68141592920353982300
> If I change the height in the skin to 407 (226 *
> 1.80487804878048780487)
> instead of 380 the image should be scaled with correct aspect ratio
> but
> it isn't in some cases. This leads to the second problem.
> The second one seems a problem in the algorithm of the scaler or a
> design decision:
> If I change the height of the image to 407 it becomes squashed like
> the
> first one when it shouldn't (See image 02).
>     <layout label="screen watermark">
>       <background>
>         <image image="background" x="0" y="0" label="background"/>
> -->>>   <image x="435" y="230" width="370" height="407"
> label="watermark"/>
>       </background>
>     </layout>
> If I change the Y position to be higher in the screen the image has
> the
> correct aspect ratio. (See image 03)
>     <layout label="screen watermark">
>       <background>
>         <image image="background" x="0" y="0" label="background"/>
> -->>>   <image x="435" y="130" width="370" height="407"
> label="watermark"/>
>       </background>
>     </layout>
> What happened?
>     screen height - image height = last Y position that is onscreen
>     600           - 407          = 193
> and Y = 230 in the skin so the image in the image number 02 should be
> 37
> pixels offscreen but it is aligned to the bottom and the image
> squashed.
> I suppose this is a design decision or a sutle bug that go unnoticed.
> In other test if I change the resolution to 1280x720 and make the
> same
> test the images are squashed in all cases (See images 04, 05 and 06),
> so
> it's true that there is a problem in the scaler with 4:3 skins
> displayed
> in a 16:9 resolution.
> In another test I have changed the skin resolution to (800x450 /
> 16:9)
> and put Y to 43 (450 - 407 = 43) and the watermark at 1280x720 is not
> squashed so it seems that we need to make 16:9 skins or add an scale
> algorithm that is aspect ratio and pixel ratio aware. The first
> option seems
> the easiest one.
> Hope this make sense.
> >
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