On Sonntag 19 August 2007, Michael Beal wrote:
> Then the ratio calculations are faulty and need to be addressed.

Michael, maybe it's just me, but I read a lot of unproductive criticism in 
your postings.  As long as you suspect others to "poo-poo out" ideas "without 
really understanding" and "ignoring the reality", I wonder how many people 
are motivated to take their time and answer your postings at all, given that 
a lot of ignorance from your side shines through, too.

> Images which, by pixel dimensions, are square get stretched out of
> shape.  According to what's being said, the skinning engine should
> display images at their designed/intended size with _zero_ distortion
> because everything is being adjusted based on screen aspect.

There's no RYM ("read your mind") mode in the skinning engine.  However, as 
you seem to have realized, the skinning engine *does* scale based on the 
ratio between the configured screen geometry and the skin size.  This is 
intended and does work for sizes larger than 800x600 (which a lot of people - 
e.g. me - do use).

> I think everyone is caught up in the "programming intent" behind the
> skins and ignoring the reality of it all.  The intent is for everything
> to self-adapt, with the engine placing things where they should go.
> The reality is this doesn't happen at screen resolutions over the
> default 800x600.  If I have my freevo.conf geometry at 800x600, choose
> a skin built for 800x600 and do "freevo -fs" from the command line, I
> get icons and images that are stretched.  This is to be expected,
> correct?

AFAICS, yes (for your setup).  The stretching probably happens in the X server 
or monitor - e.g. on my thinkpad, it would *not* necessarily stretch, but 
simply show a smaller region in the middle of the screen.

> If I change my freevo.conf to *my* default of 1440x900 and do 
> everything else the same way, will I get images and icons displayed
> correctly?  No, I don't.

That depends on your definition of "correctly".  Recall that the image regions 
defined in the skin are given in pixels that mean sth. like "percent".  Thus, 
if the scaling ratio is larger in one dimension than in the other, I would 
expect images to be stretched.

> Images are still stretched and, if I'm 
> understanding your contention, these pictures shouldn't be.  However,
> if I change the third line in any skin from 'geometry="800x600">' to
> 'geometry="1440x900">' then I get nice, pretty, properly displayed
> images and icons, although everything is shoved into the top left
> corner.  So why isn't the skinning engine correctly displaying images
> at the intended size and shape?

For displaying images at the "intended" size and shape, it would be necessary 
to know it.   Looking at the skin files, I only see <image> elements either 
without a size set (I assume width,height are then read from the file) or 
with both set.  Now how should the skin engine display the images?  One 
straightforward interpretation is width*hori_factor, height*vert_factor.  As 
hori_factor and vert_factor differ, the image becomes stretched.

What you obviously want, is that the aspect ratio of some images (not all, 
e.g. the background image) to be retained.  This could be done by some kind 
of "maxfit" algorithm, e.g. centering the image within the specified 
rectangle.  AFAICS, there is not much information about what you want that 
Freevo currently gets from the skin .fxd files.

Speaking of that, I wonder if it is intentional that object.width and 
object.height are not handled alike in area.py, lines 395 and 398.  The 
object.width looks very strange to me actually, as if an " + self.area_val.x" 
was missing in there.

Your sought formula is no black magic.  Given an image file with either square 
pixels or a known aspect ratio, it is trivial to display it correctly *given 
enough information*:
- The screen resolution and size (-> aspect ratio can be computed) can be 
queried from X, but note that Freevo is not X-only and these values would 
have to pass an intermediate layer.  (But it would be easy to add an 
additional "displaysize" parameter to freevo.conf, with the mm width&height 
in analogy to the "DisplaySize" option in the "Monitor" section of 
- The scaling mode (e.g. fit width to height, vice versa or maxpect / 

I see absolutely no need for anamorphic skins or for pre-scaled images though.  
Creating 16:9 skins is a different matter, that could make sense AFAICS 
because other layouts become more feasible.

After writing all this, I see Jean-Michel mention Panorama to be an anamorphic 
skin.  I don't know much about the old skin engine (which is about to change 
a lot for Freevo2 anyways), but this looks like a workaround for displays 
(e.g. the mentioned UK ones) where the actual screen size is not known and 
the resolution aspect is 4:3.  I would hope that using a real 16:9 skin and 
configuring `geometry` in /etc/freevo.conf to be the 4:3 aspect would also 
help, but all that depends on the ability to scale images "correctly", which 
has the two abovementioned requirements that "correctly" is defined (i.e. in 
the skin) and that the skin engine has enough knowledge about the display.

Ciao, /  /                                                    .o.
     /--/                                                     ..o
    /  / ANS                                                  ooo

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