On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 8:06 AM, Jason Tackaberry <t...@urandom.ca> wrote:
> Hi Evan,
> On Tue, 2009-01-27 at 22:55 -0600, Evan Hisey wrote:
>> most people. But suddenly needing to upgrade the whole system will put
>> people off about the move to 2.x
> It's inevitable we are going to leave behind some people with the 2.x
> architecture.  We've accepted that already.  The survey should hopefully
> help us determine how many will be affected, and how badly.
> On the other hand, it may not be as bad as you think.  If you have a
> video chipset that does hardware accelerated GL, you'll be ok.  If you
> don't, but you have a free PCI, AGP, or PCI-e slot, such a card can be
> gotten for cheap ($40 USD or less) and there are fanless and/or low
> profile options too.
> If you have no free slot and your onboard video chipset cannot do
> hardware accelerated GL, this is probably the worst case scenario.  You
> almost certainly won't be able to run Freevo 2.  However, Freevo 2 is
> not ready yet, and Freevo 1 I imagine will be maintained for some time
> still while Freevo 2 lags on the feature set.  (Depends on what Duncan
> wants to do.)  So you might well get another couple years out of the
> unupgradable hardware yet.
Ah good. There was so much talk about dual cores and 1080i in the
parent thread that exactly what was changing for basic Freevo
operation got lost.



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