On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 02:41:46AM +0000, Roh . wrote:
> when does speed matter? i run the WebVCR+ database on a p1 233 and it 
> certainly isnt slow

I'm not saying that speed is the issue. I use MySQL for my websites,
and I'm happy with it. I'm saying that it isn't suitable for this type
of application.

> as for ease of use, MySQL is easier to setup than apache and you only do 
> that once anyway.

"Easier" is relative. But sqlite is trivial because it's done entirely
by the application; no user permission issues, etc. The application
can manage that.

> correct me if im wrong, but a simple file db like that couldnt offer 
> multiple lookups like mysql can? and i presume no network support either? 
> sounds too simple and i dont think linux users want simple, we want 
> full-featured can-do-anything kinda stuff. using MySQL makes it easy to 
> write clients for other OS's, like a TV-Guide GUI that shows whats on, etc.

You can have concurrent accesses, just not concurrent writes, but
neither does MySQL. Network support is via rob's daemon, not via the

> If MySQL is too 'beefy' out of the box then surely the freevo project could 
> offer an optimised version, or example config files/recommended changes to 
> suit freevo, or use PostgreSQL, just something that isnt as limited as 
> Sqlite sounds.

I don't think it's really fair to say it's limited, if you haven't
looked at it. But that said, whatever happens with the database, it'll
be using standard SQL commands for the most part; I don't like
database specific extensions, so if you wanted to move it to MySQL,
you're welcome to send a patch.

I just don't plan to spend much time worrying about mysql myself.

> Just my two cents, I use freevo and webvcr+ and mythtv on different boxes 
> all over my house, so i like the idea of a central database that i (and 
> other apps on lan) can access from anywhere. My ideas above my sound odd, 
> but im using freevo to stream live video while i record it, and i watch it 
> remotely, so to me running remote X11 and windows GUIs for the TV Guide is 
> an important feature.  (thats also why i dont see the pretty front-end as 
> being as important as a featured back-end).

There is a full web interface to the TV guide. It's been in Freevo for
two releases now. 


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