I attempted to send this message once before, but it never showed up to the archives. I apologize if people are getting this twice.

My problem is that I can't figure out to get the games menu to show up.

Firstly, where is the games menu supposed to be? Is it shown on the main menu with Movies and Music?

I think I figured out how to configure DIR_GAMES:

DIR_GAMES = [ ('Atari 2600', '/data/videogame-roms/atari/',
                ('GENERIC', '/home/maccroz/downloads/stella/stella.sdl',
 '-fullscreen 1', '', [ 'bin' ])) ]

It does not flag any errors.

I have several ROMS in my atari folder, yet I don't see any games menu.

Is there anything else I need to do to get games to work such as activating a plugin?

Thanks Again!

Note: Someone suggested I try '.bin' instead of 'bin'. That did not seem to work.

Set yourself up for fun at home! Get tips on home entertainment equipment, video game reviews, and more here. http://special.msn.com/home/homeent.armx

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