Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 1:36:57 PM, Dirk wrote:

> Robert Winder wrote:
>> Monday, December 1, 2003, 3:18:47 PM, Dirk wrote:
>>> xine should be started with --no-lirc and --stdctrl. With that, Freevo
>>> uses lirc and sends commands to xine. 
>> Ok at fist i enabled this with the XINE_COMMAND = variable but found
>> out it is hardcoded. ;-) So i was already running with --no-lirc and
>> --stdctrl enabled. But there is something going on what i can't understand.
>> See http://members.home.nl/r.winder/xine  for logs.
>> Basicly lirc xine with DVD works ok but lirc events and avi files doesn't
>> seem to cooperate. Commands passed on to xine are fine and control is
>> given to freevo but there seem to be no eventhandler active for the lirc
>> events. I see some rc.set_context('video') stuff in mplayer.py and i wonder if
>> that has something do with it. Thinking out loud here, so bare with me.

> It should work as it is, but I will look into it tomorrow. Do mpg
> files work. AFAIK there are some divx out there that forces xine into
> a deadlock.

Updated via cvs again and tried mpeg, mpg any format and there is
still no lirc event control over xine, DVD is working fine though. I did set
the debuglevel a bit higher and saw all kinds of groovy traces hoping that helps a bit.

Starting a dvd.
xine.py (241): Xine.play(): Starting thread, cmd=['--prio=-20', '/usr/local/bin/xine', 
'-pq', '-g', '-B', '--geometry', '720x576+0+0', '--no-splash', '--stdctl', 
'--no-lirc', '-V', 'xv', '-A', 'oss', '--post=pp:quality=10,expand', 
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/threading.py", line 436, in __bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 504, in run
    self.app = self.app.app_name(self.app.parameter)
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 136, in __init__
main.py (391): popen2 ['/usr/local/bin/xine', '-pq', '-g', '-B', '--geometry', 
'720x576+0+0', '--no-splash', '--stdctl', '--no-lirc', '-V', 'xv', '-A', 'oss', 
'--post=pp:quality=10,expand', 'dvd:///dev/cdrom/']
self.t1.isAlive()=True, self.t2.isAlive()=True
ChildApp.__init__(), pid=5013, app=/usr/local/bin/xine -pq -g -B --geometry 
720x576+0+0 --no-splash --stdctl --no-lirc -V xv -A oss --post=pp:quality=10,expand 
dvd:///dev/cdrom/, poll=-1
main.py (394): handling event VIDEO_START
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_START

Xine started succesfully ? Exiting ->

main.py (394): handling event STOP
childapp.py (456): got stop command
  File "./src/main.py", line 526, in ?
  File "./src/main.py", line 420, in main_func
    if not rc_object.app(event):
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/video/plugins/xine.py", line 274, in eventhandler
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/video/plugins/xine.py", line 252, in stop
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 457, in stop
childapp.py (461): sending exit command to app
childapp.py (372): stdout: No data, stopping (pid 5014)!
childapp.py (372): stderr: No data, stopping (pid 5015)!
childapp.py (525): waiting for main to be ready for the killing
popen3.py (134): main checking childs
childapp.py (246): killing my child
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/threading.py", line 436, in __bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 529, in run
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 247, in kill
popen3.py (159): poll
childapp.py (261): done the easy way
bookmarker.py (161): auto-bookmark not supported for this item
area.py (178): show, force update
main.py (394): handling event VIDEO_END
menu.py (604): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_END

playing avi file

xine.py (241): Xine.play(): Starting thread, cmd=['--prio=-20',
'/usr/local/bin/xine', '-pq', '-g', '-B', '--geometry', '720x576+0+0',
'--no-splash', '--stdctl', '--no-lirc', '-V', 'xv', '-A', 'oss', 
'--post=pp:quality=10,expand', 'file:///media/movies/Films/jazz.avi']
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/threading.py", line 436, in __bootstrap
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 504, in run
    self.app = self.app.app_name(self.app.parameter)
  File "/usr/local/freevo_cvs/src/childapp.py", line 136, in __init__
main.py (391): popen2 ['/usr/local/bin/xine', '-pq', '-g', '-B', '--geometry', 
'720x576+0+0', '--no-splash', '--stdctl', '--no-lirc', '-V', 'xv', '-A', 'oss', 
'--post=pp:quality=10,expand', 'file:///media/movies/Films/Boogie Nights/Boogie 
self.t1.isAlive()=True, self.t2.isAlive()=True
ChildApp.__init__(), pid=5040, app=/usr/local/bin/xine -pq -g -B --geometry 
720x576+0+0 --no-splash --stdctl --no-lirc -V xv -A oss --post=pp:quality=10,expand 
file:///media/movies/Films/Boogie Nights/Boogie Nights.avi, poll=-1
main.py (394): handling event VIDEO_START
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event VIDEO_START

trying to exit and some other random choices.

no event mapping for key EXIT in context file
send button event BUTTON arg=EXIT
main.py (394): handling event BUTTON
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event BUTTON
no event mapping for key EXIT in context file
send button event BUTTON arg=EXIT
main.py (394): handling event BUTTON
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event BUTTON
no event mapping for key FFWD in context file
send button event BUTTON arg=FFWD
main.py (394): handling event BUTTON
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event BUTTON
no event mapping for key REW in context file
send button event BUTTON arg=REW
main.py (394): handling event BUTTON
main.py (425): no eventhandler for event BUTTON

All eventhandlers in xine.py looks perfectly healthy to me.

>>> It should work in current cvs -- maybe too good. If I read the code
>>> correctly, it will always add all media. So it may happen that the
>>> audio playlist conatins an image. I will fix that.
>> well not for me when i select play all/random/recursive there is no
>> 'slideshow'. And this is with current cvs from a few ours ago.

> Now it should work :-)

I probably don't understand how this is supposed to work. I see the
directory configure options; create playlist, add playlist, add random
playlist etc and enabled all of them. But after that Random, recursive play
doesn't seem to work for me.



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