On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 22:50, Trevor Phillips wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 January 2004 22:09, Matthieu Weber wrote:
> > 
> > > I think an awesome feature would be able to record the contents of your
> > > shopping cart if that plugin is installed, and have the shopping cart
> > > display the total disk usage of its contents (if it doesn't already).
> >
> > I just understood what shopping cart means :) Maybe the name is a bit
> > misleading? I thought it was related to online shopping...
> Has anyone implemented such a feature in Freevo yet? I haven't seen it - I've 
> come close to coding it up myself a few times. ^_^

> Here's how I envisage it working (roughly):
>   - One of the "Enter" (e) options for a file is "Tag/Untag" (Or Mark/Unmark, 
> etc...), which adds or removes the file from an internally tracked list of 
> tagged files

shoppingcart.py has this.

>   - Similar option for Directories, allowing tagging of a whole dir

doesn;t have this

>   - Idlebar plugin to display number of tagged files/dirs, as well as total 
> size

doesn't have this

>   - "Enter" option for Directory to Move Tagged Files to it
shoppingcart.py has this.

>   - "Enter" option for Directory to Copy Tagged Files to it
shoppingcart.py has this.

>   - "Enter" option for Directory to save play-list of Tagged Files

doesn't have this

>   - "Enter" option for Directory to Delete all Tagged Files

doesn't have this

>   - Top level "dir" (per media type - similar to the CD-ROM special dir) to 
> browse only Tagged files (only visible when some files/dirs are tagged)

doesn't have this

> I think this would be a fairly easy  to use implementation to provide group 
> copying/deleting of files, and could be expanded for CD burning of tagged 
> files, etc...

burning is tougher than you think with all the multi session and packet
writing possibilities but could be done in another way i suppose.

> Other expansions which may be a bit harder (hotkey/gui changes):
>   - Additional key-bind to toggle "Tagged" status of currently hilighted file/
> dir (saves having to rummage through the "Enter" menu)

doesn't have this

>   - Symbol or Font Style change to show Tagged status

this is something i am looking into but have never done skin stuff yet.

> What do you think? Any better way of doing this sort of thing?

it gives some todo ideas for me to put in shoppingcart.

Mike Ruelle

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