On Thu 08.07.2004 at 09:38:47PM +0800, Mick wrote:
> >
> > Would noad bring anything more than what I have already implemented? My
> > system works with AVIs also, actually with whatever that mplayer can
> > read.
> >
> Matthieu
> Do you know mythtv does it? I agree if it can be done with avi's also, then
> this is should be the way, many users will be using avi's for a ling time to
> come... the real issue is devlopeing a GUI to select the scenes you want to
> keep.

I've been thinking about this already. Unfortunately, GUI is one thing I
hate, so for now, I use my laptop as a terminal to my freevo box, and
adjust the EDL with a text editor.

> How reliable is your system?  It really doesn't matter if you tools find
> "too many" black frames, but it's when they miss them that it becomes a
> usablility issue.

It has been working correctly at 99% (probably even more) when
generating the EDL while recording, and even closer to 100% when
generating the EDL after the recording.

> You also mentioned in the past issues with the EDL frames being off
> slightly, what is the repercusions of this in terms of cutting permanent
> video out?  Do you think there is any way to fix this or doesit somply not
> matter?

I'm not sure what you mean. What happened is, that when mencoder drops
frames (because I'm watching a DVD at the same time and the processor is
overloaded) the EDL was inaccurate by several frames. This should be
fixed in the dev version (haven't fully tested yet). But this never
happens if you run the filter once the recording is over (actually, for
safety, when I plan to really cut the video before archiving it to CD, I
always re-run the filter, manually, after the recording has ended).

Then, with recordings stored into AVIs, I use transcode's aviindex to
find the I frames closest to my EDL's values and adjust the EDL, and
then call transcode to actually cut the video. For non-AVI video (i.e.
DVB), I'm not sure how to proceed yet.

Here are the possibilities I see:
 - implement the EDL mechanism in mencoder also, in order to use
mencoder to convert to XviD using the EDL to cut the ads
 - implement a TS parser in transcode to use transcode's cut plugin,
 - remux the TS to a PS, re-run the filter (because of PTS changes
during the remux), and then transcode the PS/Mpeg to AVI/XviD using
transcode's cut plugin,
 - convert the raw TS/Mpeg to AVI/XviD with mencoder, then use the
filter, and then use transcode to cut the AVI.

Converting the TS to PS (and fixing the PTS at the same time so that
there is no PTS reset in the PS) while recording the DVB stream is an
option also. For some reason, it sounds more of a cheat than the
previous options, even though it would make my life much easier (we have
a PS already, the EDL can be made easily, and transcode can be used for
cutting while transcoding, and mplayer can use the EDL to jump the ads
while watching, after a tiny bit of tweaking in the seek function of the
PS demuxer, to make it more accurate).

If I want to keep the MPEG as is, I might try to hack into GOPchop to
make it a command-line tool, and use it to edit the MPEG without
transcoding. But GOPchop understands only PS, not TS, so remuxing the TS
would be needed too. Anyway, I don't have a DVD burner yet, so this is
for the future.

What is higher priority for me now is to get the filtering work while
recording with mencoder to AVI (that's mostly working) and work with DVB
recoring, also in real time. For the second part, I need the seek in
mplayer to work accurately for TS which contain a PTS reset. I'm working
on it, but slowly. Editing the video will come after that (I don't
archive very much of what I am recording, I usually record just so that
I can watch the show later, when I have time.

 (~._.~)        Matthieu Weber - Université de Jyväskylä         (~._.~)
  ( ? )                email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  ( ? ) 
 ()- -()               public key id : 452AE0AD                  ()- -()
 (_)-(_)  "Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht (Germain Muller)"  (_)-(_)

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