
First of all hi to everyone, this is my first post I guess - I am newbie to this list and to Freevo as well. I have Freevo installed for about 2 weeks only... Once the LIRC starts working for me I will be more or less happy.

2Dirk: it is funny - you said GUI ideas.. and well... everyone is throwing in any ideas :) .. and so will I...

To start with - and Dirk wrote about that - I would volunteer to help and implement some parts of what I am proposing. However I do not dare to say I would do it all myself for two reasons:
a) I am quite busy doing other stuff so if anyone would be waiting for me to deliver some functionality.. s/he might get upset by delays ;)
b) more importantly - I do not know Python but might give it a try to learn. I can do Java, PHP, HTML, JavaScript etc. if that helps for "transformation" :) Would it be worth trying?

Also, I already tried to read the the devs website (2 weeks ago or so) and this is something stopping me to try more - I cant find any reasonable documentation :( Maybe I looke into wrong places but I did not find any single starting point that would clear some questions I have and would kick me to start.

Talking about documentation - where the hell is DTD for fxd files? Or any COMPLETE example? I am open to admit I am totally blind but I honestly tried to find it and failed :)

So - here are the things I am currently missing in Freevo. Unlike many other Freevo users I am much more AUDIO oriented as I have only terrestrial TV here (4 channels and more or less they all suck :) ).

Secondly, I am assuming that Freevo is part of home network (=>internet) and so soem of the functions would need to be prepared by other means than purely by remote controller.

The list , finally:
a.1) playlist creation and management - for video and audio. Before you ask - yes playlist for videos. I download a lot of muic clips and so that makes sense to me :)
a.2) remote control over the web - PLAY feature :) + ENQUEUE
a.3) move/copy files - inside the Freevo "sandbox" - directory structure

b.1) Random play of video files (maybe possible already by fxd file? --- but have not found). Once again - reason is music clips
b.2) Random play over directory and all subdirectories
b.3) Maybe rating? Personal rating ("when I am alone"), "family/flatmates" rating ("when everyone @home want to listen"), party rating ("when I have guests") - and play according to these modes -- so I would select "I am alone" .. and voila :)
Maybe it might be more generic -like custom creation and naming of the "categories" for rating - and then play according to these.

Next is inspired by cute Rio Karma player, sorry :)
b.4) Play by genre (+random)
b.5) Play by artist (+random); this could be done by implementing b.3 if the user organizes the files accordingly. But why dont we use freevo cache, database for this?
b.6) Play by "years" :) - Sounds of 70s, 80s, 90s ... you know? ;)
b.7) Whats new? Play whatever is new in Freevo in last <enter number> days/weeks/months
b.8) What I really like about Karma is "Entertain me" - which is the playlist of most popular songs. Plugin that seems to do this for XMMS is here: http://www.luminal.org/wiki/index.php/IMMS/IMMS
b.9) and "Forgotten gems" - something I liked but have not heard for <enter number> days/weeks/months
b.10) and well, generic "Reminder" - something I have not heard for <enter number> days/weeks/months. There _is_ a difference compared to b.9.

OK, I do not know whether you like at least some ideas or not, or whether it makes all sense to anyone else than myself :) As I said, I am willing to help with some parts of this.. I would be interested mostly in improving the web interface.

Don't kill me, please, and have a nice weekend.


From: Dirk Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Freevo-users] Ideas for next major release wanted
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 11:08:10 +0200


I'm searching for new cool gui ideas for the next major release of
Freevo. Only gui ideas for now, I don't have time to implement much
these days. For most of the ideas it would be great if you can send a
fake screenshot. Just take gimp or any other program you like and draw
a screenshot how you want Freevo to look like. Also add information if
some parts of the screenshot should fade or move it.

o Image viewer: When pressing the DISPLAY button you see a box with
  some additional informations. How should that look like in the
  future? And were to get the information? Right now Freevo supports
  'bins' xml files for additional stuff, but what do you use to add
  descriptions to an image?

o Video: The next version of Freevo will support to draw on mplayer
  and maybe also xine. If you press DISPLAY, you will see that. How
  should it look like? I guess current time, maybe a slider and the
  text. But I need fake screenshots. And when DISPLAY is not pressed
  and you seek, how should that look like?

o TV: similar to the video problem: what do you want to see when
  pressing DSIPLAY? And when you want to change the channel, would you
  like an OSD for that, too? How should that look?

o Skin: everyone is welcome to also send skin ideas, how the basic
  Freevo screen should look like. For suggestions in this area, I will
  need more help: background and icon arts are needed here.

And some basic navigation questions: IMHO there is a difference
between selecting a channel for watching tv and selecting a program to
record. Freevo cvs supports switching to channel view to select a show
for record. It's much faster that way to select a program in two days
from now. So how should these two menus look like? What keys to you
want to press to toggle between these two?

This is also a good place to place a help request here: we need help
to develop Freevo. Not only python programmers, we have many tasks on
the todo list. So please, if you have some time, help us. If not, I
guess the next major release will be 2005.

We need help in the following areas:

o Python: if you know Python or are willing to learn it (very easy),
  please send patches to current cvs to make it work again. Most
  plugins are deactivated because of the rewrite of the main core. Or
  send new plugins doing all the stuff you want Freevo to do. If
  someone wants a bigger part like reworking the tv area (Rob can't do
  that alone if you don't want the next release in 2005), just tell

o C: cvs uses mevas as render engine. Right now, it supports output
  via pygame, imlib2, bmovl, bmovl2 and ivtv_fb. Some of these display
  engines need more work and we also need more. Those who don't like
  the dxr3-sdl patch: this is a good time to write a dxr3 output
  canvas. If you want to help and don't know how, just ask. We also
  need someone writing a xine plugin to display our osd in it.

o Docs: old problem, still no solution. We need more and better
  docs. Fill the WiKi with stuff you know, create a nice Freevo doc
  with docbook or something similar. Please help us here.

o Web: we also need a better WiKi and maybe someone to do all the web
  updates. Post some news and stuff like that. I don't know what is
  possible on sourceforge and what is not. Or if you have a root
  server somewere were you can host and maintain out website, that
  would be really cool.

o Skins: we need artists! We need backgrounds, icons and ideas how the
  skin should look like.

That's it for now, waiting for feedback


I say no to drugs, They just don't listen...

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