Dirk Meyer wrote:
This is also a good place to place a help request here: we need help
to develop Freevo. Not only python programmers, we have many tasks on
the todo list. So please, if you have some time, help us. If not, I
guess the next major release will be 2005.

I would love to help, and I know enough languages that I'm not afraid of Python. However, it would be much easier for developers new to Freevo if you took an hour to put together a "hacker's guide to Freevo" with some of the basic logic behind how things work. It took me a long time to decipher how some of the play threads were managed and I'm still not sure I get it all.

Here are some sample questions that might be nice to answer:
1. What are the __init__.py files in each directory?

2. How does one interface with and control the current play list for the audio/video player(s). For instance, if you want to insert a new entry before the next item, how would you do this? How does one iterate across the play list to begin with?

3. What are some of these files for to begin with? There are 20-30 key main and sub-level directories. It might be nice to have a 1-2 sentence description of the files contained within and their function. It doesn't have to be long, but at least briefly descriptive would be nice.

Here are the things I would write if I could even figure out where to start:
1. A function that would take the current audio item's author, iterate the playlist for the next occurrence, then insert that item after the current. (This is a "play another song by this person" function. You can also go by genre/source.)

2. While viewing a channel, or especially when switching, it might be nice to have a button (or during switching have an option to do this automatically) that briefly shows a bar with the TV guide row for that channel so you can see what's now playing and what's coming up.

3. It would be nice to have the password-protection controls a little easier to access. Specifically, the ability to enter numeric passwords via the remote. Maybe this is possible already, but it doesn't work for me and it's hard to set up anyway - I was thinking of something arrow-button-based.

I would be more than happy to contribute documentation, as well, but I haven't wanted to start until I personally know more about Freevo.

o Web: we also need a better WiKi and maybe someone to do all the web
  updates. Post some news and stuff like that. I don't know what is
  possible on sourceforge and what is not. Or if you have a root
  server somewere were you can host and maintain out website, that
  would be really cool.

I'm a little confused by this one. You already have a fairly nice and relatively informative (if out of date) page on Sourceforge, at http://freevo.sourceforge.net/
Is there something this isn't letting you do?

I maintain my own project home pages on Sourceforge and haven't had any complaints.


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