
Karl Lattimer wrote:
> While we all love tinkering with freevo, as hackers do, and we love the
> excitement of getting some cool feature that Dischi or others have
> written, isn't it time that we all seriously looked at the commercial
> potential of FreeVo?

Yes. We need more developers and a company using Freevo may just what
we need. They make money selling the hardware and support open
source. You can see the problem we have right now by looking at the
cvs list. I changed/added stuff more than once a week for a long time,
but the latest weeks were hard at work (like Rob wrote: you need
something to put food on the table). 

> Let me draw your attention to this article;
> http://www.windowsfordevices.com/news/NS6031471658.html
> It seems microsoft is really pushing the media centre PC product into
> our homes

Yes, and not only microsoft. Also Hifi-vendors see the market. Freevo
may be older than MS MediaCenter, but they have more man power.

> Freevo 2.0 is going to give us a whole new system to tinker with, now
> this could just be an opportune time to say "well, what do we need to
> make freevo a commercially viable product?"

Good question. The problem with the good ideas is that we need people
to do this. There is the HelpNeeded page at the 2.0 wiki. The hard
stuff like bmovl for xine and timeshifting is still on the todo. 

I know that there are some patches in the devel list I havn't looked
at (no time at all right now). I will do, but it's all small stuff.

> Imagine if freevo had features like, a configuration front end and time
> shifting? How about refinements to things like the encoding server so we
> get a progress display.

Great ideas, but still, we need people to do it.

> There are many other features which would be 'cool' for freevo, I
> remember hearing some noise on the list about multiple tuner scheduling
> in fv2.0. How about iconbar information regarding TV-Schedules
> (Now/Next) cycling through while you're deciding what to watch,
> Recording server activity or a freevo 'dashboard' style experience
> instead of an iconbar, (as per apple's tiger dashboard), allowing you to
> show/hide the dashboard when a movie is playing for things like email
> and alike. And of course, a miniview is a must have so you can still
> watch you're entertainment as you're using the interface.

I also have nice ideas with encoding server and recordings. 


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