Using 2.6.21 I can finally get reliable data from my via EPIA system 
about temperature - yay!

I've updated the Sensors section of the idlebar wiki:

to include a mini howto with the plugin line you need. Anyone wanting 
this to work will need this bug fixed in their freevo distribution:

(thanks Duncan!)

It also seems that the via driver returns data at a different scale for 
the CPU than the other data - sigh, so as described in the wiki link 
above, you will need to scale the original temp up by a factor of 10 
before then scaling.


plugin.activate('idlebar.system.sensors', level=30, args=(('temp1','((@ * 10) - 
73.869) / 0.9528'), 'temp2', None))

Posting here to ensure people find out about it :)

Cheers all, loving freevo :D

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