Thanks, but I think I didn't formulate the question properly, so you must
have misunderstood me. 'Everything' has already been setup and is working
(LIRC, TV output, etc). The only big question that is still left is freevo
startup at system bootup.

You mention you are using GDM, but as I said, I do NOT want to install
either KDM OR GDM because of system resources limitations (it's used as a
web/app/db server as well).

So, the question remains: how to setup up freevo for automatic startup
through 'inittab' or 'inittab's Ubuntu alternative - 'Upstart'.



On 6/12/07, kikoune <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1) easy to do, just plug your pc on the tv and it should work (I got a
ati 9600 se tv out plugged on the tv as only screen)

2) Regarding the startup options you should fin what you need on the wiki.
I'm runiing feisty 7.04 and I choose gdm start with an autologin and an
Xsession starting X and freevo.
You should be able to the same without gdm.

3&4&5) You don't need to start a WM (actually, xdm is not a wm, it's a
login manager like gdm). You said you need
a WM for vnc. But you don't :)  You can enable vnc module of X11 and X
will act like a vnc server. It works
well, you don't need to setup a vnc server or to use a wm for that.
I follow this
on the ubuntu. Adding the Load "vnc" works out of the box, I don't
remember to install something else.

A last trick about the boot up process, I was tired to wait the pc to
boot up when I just want to listen some music, so I
setup the suspend acpi function and this way when I shutdown freevo, it
puts my computer in sleep. To startup from
sleep it take less than 10 seconds ;)

To answer the last question "how did you set everything up ?" : slowly
reading lot of documentation, the wiki, and search the web
to learn to configure each component :)


Vlad Olenin wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been browsing through the instructions on Freevo automatic
> startup during system startup (eg, in case of 'unattended' dedicated
> media center box). The problem is I can't find instructions for
> Ubuntu. The instructions pointed out on Wiki configuration page are
> for standard 'unix' init system (which has 'inittab' file), while
> Ubuntu 6.10 and up (Feisy 7.04) is using a different 'Upstart' event
> based init system. Alas for me it's just a little bit more than sheer
> words (I don't know much about Linux internal workings, even less so
> on subtle differences between different distos). From what I
> understand while the "Upstart" would still respect inittab file if
> it's found, the recommended way to startup things is through event
> based model. I'm even more cautious here, since on Freevo wiki it's
> said that modifying 'inittab' file is 'dangerous' and might render
> entire system unusable.
> So, I wonder if anyone can recommend a setup to start up freevo under
> Ubuntu 6.10 and up? Below is the description of the kind of system I
> want to build:
> 1) dedicated LIRC controlled Freevo powered media center with TV
> plugged in as the only screen
> 2) automatic startup of Freevo during system boot
> 3) possibility to manage the box with VNC
> 4) no KDM, GDM or other 'heavy duty' window manager installed (which
> means KDE or GDM window management XSession facilities can not be used
> to start up Freevo)
> 5) some 'lightweight' window manager (xdm?...) to  provide basic
> functionality for remote VNC server management
> For now I run freevo under the dedicated X manager with the output
> done to TV, everything being startup manually from tty1 after I log in
> to that console:
> > exec /usr/X11R6/bin/xinit freevo -- /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 -layout TV &
> Does anyone have similar system configured? How did you set everything
> up? (primarily - Freevo startup on system boot up)
> Thanks!
> Vlad

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