> A couple of points come to mind after reading this. Your target attempts. If
> you are wanting video over the web, then I would really look at another
> project for that and run a dedicated webserver for it. 
Care to explain why? Securiy, or other reasons?

> The first thing that
> comes to mind is to use mplayer to post process your videos to swf (flash),
> kinda like what youtube does, then have an .sap page on a secured webserver
> that presents a list of a available videos. Click on the link it opens a page
> with the embedded flash. 

Sounds simple enough. However, that list of files would need its own
prettifying to look good, incl the info you get in the fxd, to be useful.
That's why I'd prefer to access the recorded content using the freevo (web)gui. 
Assuming you access it over ssl, are there other _real_ security issues 


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