On Thu, June 25, 2009 4:41 pm, Duncan Webb wrote:
> Bernard Mentink wrote:
>> Hi again Duncan,
>> It looks like the problem is in this bit of code of mplayer.py:
>> --------------- code ---------------
>>  if event == PAUSE or event == PLAY:

This behaviour of PAUSE or PLAY was the same in 1.8.3 and before.

>>             self.paused = not self.paused
>>             # We have to store the current time before displaying the
>> dialog
>>             # otherwise the act of requesting the current position
>> resumes playback!
>>             if self.paused:
>>                 self.stored_time_info = self.get_time_info()
>>                 dialog.show_play_state(dialog.PLAY_STATE_PAUSE,
>> self.get_time_info)
There is however a bug here, self.get_time_info should be
self.get_stored_time_info, otherwise mplayer just resumes playback.

>>                 self.app.write('pause\n')
>>             else:
>>                 self.app.write('pause\n')
>>                 dialog.show_play_state(dialog.PLAY_STATE_PLAY,
>> self.get_time_info)
>>             return True
>> ---------------- end code ----------------------
> Looks a bit odd as the pause command should not un-pause a play-back.
> mplayer can be odd at times.

> Try adding to your local_conf.py:
> EVENTS['video']['PLAY'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='speed_set
> 1.0')
> Setting the speed to 1.0 is normal playback.
>> It seems the comment says it all ....
>> Do you have a suggested fix for this? I don't have any knowledge of
>> python.
> If you want to change to code then the second self.app.write could be:
> self.app.write('speed_set 1.0\n')
> Unless your remote is sending two consecutive pause command this does
> not explain why the pause is not working.

The code is also from video/plugins/mplayer.py and not
tv/plugins/livepause/players.py which is used by the livepause plugin, so
although its a bug its not relevant to the problem with livepause. I'm now
at a loss to understand why it isn't pausing, I haven't had a chance to
test this on a proper system yet. The only other reason I could see for
livepause not pausing would be that the buffer was too small and it had
resumed playback due to reaching the end of the buffer, but that isn't
shown in the log output.

With any luck I may get a chance to look at this, this weekend but I can't
promise anything.



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