Actually, there's a whole chunk of the SVG spec devoted to animation
without any scripting at all.  I haven't gotten into that yet.
There's a lot of it being used on cell phones using the SVGTiny
profile which doesn't have any scripting.

Animation with javascript all depends on how dependably your
window.setTimeout() method is behaving, which depends on everything
else running in your browser and on your machine.  I've seen the moons
calendar hiccup partway through more than a few times.

The "animation" is a side effect of avoiding the Firefox  "Some script
is taking too long to finish, shall I kill it?"  dialog box.  I
compute a month and then pass the continuation to setTimeout() with a
5ms delay.  So most of the interframe timing happens in the number
crunching to compute the month.

-- rec --

On 10/30/06, Giles Bowkett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> that's awesome!
> can SVG be animated dependably in JavaScript with that kind of sophistication?
> On 10/30/06, Roger Critchlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've just finished reprogramming a lunar calendar that was my first
> > big programming project as an undergraduate back in the 70's.  Back
> > then it was FORTRAN on punched cards driving a Calcomp drum plotter.
> > The new version ( is programmed in javascript and
> > produces an SVG graphic by populating an empty document with DOM
> > calls.
> >
> > It's a demonstration of how much you can get away with inside a
> > browser these days.  The whole calendar runs and renders inside
> > Mozilla/Firefox with no plug-ins requred at all.  IE needs the Adobe
> > SVG viewer for the time being, but I hear that integrated SVG support
> > is expected around IE7.2.  I haven't had a chance to try Safari.  But
> > I downloaded Opera and it worked there, no problem at all.
> >
> > This example is a really classical computation and a very simple
> > graphic, but there are lots of possible extensions to this basic
> > framework: you can add interactivity by hanging event handlers on the
> > graphics; you can mutate the graphic through the DOM at any time; you
> > can layer in additional information asynchronously with background
> > XMLHTTPRequest's; you can get a lot of additional graphic effects out
> > of SVG; and so on.
> >
> > I think SVG+javascript is going to be a fairly useful platform for
> > delivering information graphics and client side number crunching on
> > the web.
> >
> > -- rec --
> >
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> Giles Bowkett
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