Roger Critchlow wrote:
> Actually, there's a whole chunk of the SVG spec devoted to animation
> without any scripting at all.  I haven't gotten into that yet.
> There's a lot of it being used on cell phones using the SVGTiny
> profile which doesn't have any scripting.
I noticed there's a lot of string manipulation, e.g. building the polygons.
I've seen that before with SVG & JavaScript.   Kind of a bummer.    
Maybe the animation features (which I understand are barely implemented 
in Firefox) will help make things like this less cumbersome.

Firefox also implements XUL, which I found to be a little easier to 
manipulate in discrete pieces from the DOM.  But it has fewer vector 
graphics features.   Here's an idea of what can be done with it:

It's been a few years since I've worked on it, and I see buttons are 
dead.  Presumably due to changes in XBL in recent Firefox versions).  
The top scrollbar does work through.
It's primarily implemented in XSLT, but also JavaScript.   The layout 
and interface is all XUL/XBL.   Data comes off the server in XML 
(describing an orderbook), and then it is XSLT'ed in the browser itself 
into the screen layout.

Then there is the Canvas interface that Firefox and Safari both 
implement.  It's unapologetically JavaScript.  A Canvas can also be 
implemented over VML in Internet Explorer.   Here's an example:

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