Not in the sense of an actual continuation?

On 10/30/06, Roger Critchlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, there's a whole chunk of the SVG spec devoted to animation
> without any scripting at all.  I haven't gotten into that yet.
> There's a lot of it being used on cell phones using the SVGTiny
> profile which doesn't have any scripting.
> Animation with javascript all depends on how dependably your
> window.setTimeout() method is behaving, which depends on everything
> else running in your browser and on your machine.  I've seen the moons
> calendar hiccup partway through more than a few times.
> The "animation" is a side effect of avoiding the Firefox  "Some script
> is taking too long to finish, shall I kill it?"  dialog box.  I
> compute a month and then pass the continuation to setTimeout() with a
> 5ms delay.  So most of the interframe timing happens in the number
> crunching to compute the month.
> -- rec --
> On 10/30/06, Giles Bowkett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > that's awesome!
> >
> > can SVG be animated dependably in JavaScript with that kind of 
> > sophistication?
> >
> > On 10/30/06, Roger Critchlow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I've just finished reprogramming a lunar calendar that was my first
> > > big programming project as an undergraduate back in the 70's.  Back
> > > then it was FORTRAN on punched cards driving a Calcomp drum plotter.
> > > The new version ( is programmed in javascript and
> > > produces an SVG graphic by populating an empty document with DOM
> > > calls.
> > >
> > > It's a demonstration of how much you can get away with inside a
> > > browser these days.  The whole calendar runs and renders inside
> > > Mozilla/Firefox with no plug-ins requred at all.  IE needs the Adobe
> > > SVG viewer for the time being, but I hear that integrated SVG support
> > > is expected around IE7.2.  I haven't had a chance to try Safari.  But
> > > I downloaded Opera and it worked there, no problem at all.
> > >
> > > This example is a really classical computation and a very simple
> > > graphic, but there are lots of possible extensions to this basic
> > > framework: you can add interactivity by hanging event handlers on the
> > > graphics; you can mutate the graphic through the DOM at any time; you
> > > can layer in additional information asynchronously with background
> > > XMLHTTPRequest's; you can get a lot of additional graphic effects out
> > > of SVG; and so on.
> > >
> > > I think SVG+javascript is going to be a fairly useful platform for
> > > delivering information graphics and client side number crunching on
> > > the web.
> > >
> > > -- rec --
> > >
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> > --
> > Giles Bowkett
> >
> >
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Giles Bowkett

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