Why use OO methodologies to implement an application that is inherently

For the same reason you don't use assembly language to write business
applications:  it would be bad computer science.  You could write an ABM in
any language, including assembly, but why in the world would you want to do

This is not confusing the agent based design with its implementation.
Rather, it is recognizing the characteristics of the design and picking an
implementation environment that makes sense.  Also note that I never
suggested which OO languages should be used -- that choice depends on the
implementation requirements for the project.

As a side note, it is interesting to observe the growth in usage of
higher-level languages for implementing ABMs in the HPC environment.  We are
currently investigating with The MathWorks the use of MATLAB's OO
capabilities and their Distributed Computing Toolkit (DCT) to implement
distributed ABMs on one of our Linux clusters...


Doug Roberts, RTI International
505-455-7333 - Office
505-670-8195 - Cell

On 6/4/07, Robert Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 6/2/07, Douglas Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <snip>
> [*Footnote from the (or should be) above:  I know people who have
> written applications with no object-oriented technologies at all, using
> FORTRAN or C, (or worse, purely procedural Java) and who claim to have
> developed an ABM.  I contend, that while they may have developed a really
> neato simulation, it isn't an ABM.  Where are the agents?  Rows of an array?
> Elements of a struct?  An array of structs? I really don't think so.

Why? Logically that position doesn't make sense - it seems to confuse the
model with the implementation of the model. For example, Epstein &
Axtell's Sugarscape model is an ABM. If I code it up, does it only remain an
ABM if I code in C++? Does the Sugarscape model suddenly stop being an ABM
if I code it in FORTRAN?

It might be easier to code in one type of language rather than the other,
but that's not the point. ABM-ness is a property of the model, not the code.


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